The type

What is the type of we are talking about?

  • Type is what makes a Breed
  • Beside type, look for Terrier Character
  • Watch health
A scan of the description of the Irish Wheaten as by Maureen Holmes

What does that sum up to?

  • Strong head
  • Alertness and Terrier expression
  • Well set lively ears
  • Big black nose
  • Big teeth
  • Good height-length proportion
  • Strong feet
  • Silky single coat with a sheen
  • Substance
  • Good muscle tone
  • Late maturing

Wheatens developed quite different in the countries to where they were exported, regrettably resulting in different “types”. This causes quite a problem.

Collection of Irish Wheaten Terriers

Basically the descriptions in the various Standards do not differ that much from the original Irish one. But the interpretation and because of that, the looks of the dogs are dramatically different.

Picture of the variopus types of wheatens today
Image of description of Irish correct type
Image of the description of The coat of a wheaten rterrier

Soft and silky. Neither wooly nor wiry. Loosely waved of curly, but if curly, curls large, light and loose. The coat should not stand off but flow and fall naturally. Coat abundant all over body.

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